Financial Services KFS AR FAQs
If you need assistance, please contact our Non-Student AR experts at: nonstudentar@uci.edu.
Sundry Debtors: Goods and service, fines, claims for reimbursement, and other miscellaneous obligations due to the university.
Third-Party Sponsors: Payments due from third-party sponsors- e.g., college prepaid plans, state programs, Department of Veterans Affairs, private programs, etc. - for student tuition and fees.
A customer credit memo document is used to partially credit or reduce or remove line items from a customer invoice, when it is open. As long as the customer invoice is open, a customer credit memo can be used to credit the customer invoice even when there has been a partial payment.
Cancellation of an invoice using customer invoice error correction can only be done when there is an open invoice with no payments applied.
No, they will not be automatically migrated. We would like to give users an opportunity to review and clean up existing customers to bring forward only the ones that are active.
All customers need to be created manually/individually, by performing a Customer lookup and selecting the Create New button if they do not exist as a Financial Services AR Customer already. No customers will be automatically migrated from CBSO to FS KFS AR as of March 1.
The system User Role (54) or C&G User Role (10035) are the only KSAMS roles that may be used for the FS KFS AR module. However, the Biller Org must exist in the system for the department user. If you are a KFS system user and you are not able to create an invoice, contact Financial Services at nonstudentar@uci.edu so that they can create a billing org for your department.
Yes, staff and faculty can be billed in FS KFS AR as they fall under non-student. Select units that bill third parties that also happen to work at UCI can also be billed in FS KFS AR.
Staff who are also current students will need to be billed in CBSO so that their invoice posts in SBS.
Customers will have to be created manually by departments in FS KFS AR beginning March 1, 2023, for any new third party and Sundry Debtor invoice creations.
Invoices processed in CBSO through February 28, 2023, 1 p.m., will remain in and will be viewable in CBSO.
All invoices require the department KFS account to be entered to record the income. Since the information is being entered into a KFS eDoc, the biller would be able to use their current KFS account and object code for Accounting Line entry.
To be an FS KFS AR user to create customers and invoices, the user must only be in the KFS User role (54) or the C&G User role (10035). The Department Security Administrator (DSA) would need to grant this role in KSAMS, if the biller does not already have it.
Department Billers must enter the KFS account and object code (where you want to post income into) in the Customer Invoice’s Accounting Line’s tab. The KFS account that the department uses generally should be the same as they are using in CBSO.
Financial Services’ receivable account is automatically generated by the system based on the item code you selected (Third Party or Sundry Debtor). You may review the general ledger pending entries (GLPE) before submitting the invoice document.
Yes. The import file in csv format.
The FS KFS AR Accounting Lines template is now posted. To download a copy, go to: Import Line Templates and click Download template for: Financial Services Accounts Receivable (AR).
Additionally, in FS KFS AR, on the Accounting Lines section of the invoice, there is a Import Templates link that will take you directly to the General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines website.
For additional help with importing accounting lines see: Importing Accounting Lines into your FS KFS AR Non-Student Invoice and General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines.
An FS KFS AR invoice is only intended for external customers, and recharges are not allowed in CBSO or in FS KFS AR. Recharges must be done using IB (Internal Billing) or SB (Service Billing) documents. For details on recharge documents, please refer to the General Accounting website or you can email: kfs@uci.edu.
Any department can create a new customer in FS KFS AR. If the customer already exists in the Financial Services Customer database, a duplicate customer account will not be approved by the Financial Services Reviewer.
Once a FS KFS AR customer is created, they can be used by any department and multiple users may share the same customer.
If the address is different from the Primary, you may add an Alternate or Temporary address to the customer, and you can switch between address types when you create the customer invoice.
Line Items in a customer invoice are created by entering multiple entries in the Accounting Lines tab. The accounting lines, item description, amount, and quantity are all in the Accounting Lines tab. Enter the department income accounting line, quantity, amount, and click the (+) sign. This is similar to other KFS documents which would allow you to enter multiple accounting lines.
Templates are not saved in FS KFS AR. You can create your own Import Line Template in a csv file format and save it in your computer to upload the accounting lines that you need in any new invoice that you create.
You can also use the Copy button found at the bottom of approved Customer Invoices. This will allow you to copy and create a new invoice to the same customer, for quick repetitive template-style billing.
To download a copy of the FS KFS AR Accounting Lines template, go to: Import Line Templates and click Download template for: Financial Services Accounts Receivable (AR).
Additionally, in FS KFS AR, on the Accounting Lines section of the invoice, there is a Import Templates link that will take you directly to the General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines website.
For additional help with importing accounting lines see: Importing Accounting Lines into your FS KFS AR Non-Student Invoice and General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines.
Receivables cannot be created from the deposits. In order for Financial Services to post payments, invoices must be manually created in advance.
You will need to use the Document Search feature to find out the status of your new customer.
You can search document type CUS for customer eDocs and enter your UCInetID in the initiator field. A FINAL status means that the document has been approved.
You may also search for the customer from the Customer lookup and see if the customer has been approved and added to the table.
Third party sponsors for DCE students are not billed using CBSO and will not be billed in FS KFS AR either.
For undergraduate and graduate students, multiple departments can create and send invoices for their students using the same Third Party Sponsor Customer Account that has been set-up in FS KFS AR.
No, faculty and staff fall under non-student so they need to be billed in FS KFS AR, if you previously billed them in CBSO. Staff who are also current students must be billed in CBSO so charges post to SBS.
The customer invoice PDF can only print 14 line items at a time. However, the KFS eDoc accepts many accounting lines if needed for the general ledger posting. If you have a customer invoice with more than 14 lines that needs to be printed/generated in order to Print and Send to the Customer, please contact us at nonstudentar@uci.edu.
Prior to writing it off, we contact customers with past due invoices monthly and we document any communication with the customers. Our write off process is for anything over 180 days, we notify the responsible department that the invoices are scheduled for write off within 30 days from notification unless payment is received. If no payment is received and it’s written off, the original account used on the invoice for revenue will be reversed. If we receive the payment after it was written off, then we will apply the payment back to the original account used when the invoice was initially created.
Yes. The import file in csv format.
The FS KFS AR Accounting Lines template is now posted. To download a copy, go to: Import Line Templates and click Download template for: Financial Services Accounts Receivable (AR).
Additionally, in FS KFS AR, on the Accounting Lines section of the invoice, there is a Import Templates link that will take you directly to the General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines website.
For additional help with importing accounting lines see: Importing Accounting Lines into your FS KFS AR Non-Student Invoice and General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines.
In KFS AR, the invoice entries are posted to the current month. We do not have the ability to select the prior fiscal period to post entries. All customer invoices that are finalized on June 1 (for example) would post to Period 12/June.
The due date terms are automatically populated to be Due Upon Presentation on the printed invoice. Whether the due date is changed, the customer invoice will still be Due Upon Presentation. The receivable will be aged appropriately from the customer invoice date.
Yes, it is the same business process from CBSO to FS KFS AR. After the customer invoice is approved, the department/you will need to email or mail the PDF to your customer. If the customer invoice becomes past due, the department should follow up, but Financial Services will begin the collection process.
Document types that will affect department ledgers and are created by departments are: INV (Customer Invoice) and CRM (Customer Credit Memo).
Payment processing documents that Financial Services will be creating will be known as: CTRL (Cash Control), APP (Payment Application), and APPA (Payment Adjustments).
The description field of a KFS document is a common field for all KFS documents and we do not make it uneditable for only FS KFS AR documents. Like in other KFS eDocs, the department can input some data for saving, but once something is selected (Customer/Customer Type), this may override the Document Description.
Departments wanting a custom GL Entry Description can input a Line Description in the Accounting Lines of the Customer Invoice, so that it would show on the General Ledger.
Yes, access to CBSO will still be available. However, if you try to use CBSO for non-student billing after February 28, 2023, 1 p.m., the system will not allow you to do so.
No, there is not a test environment for users. On March 1, 2023, you will be able to access FS KFS AR and begin creating your customers and customer invoices.
Yes, in FS KFS AR, you can use Customer lookup then choose Report to see the Customer History Report which will show you invoice and payment history.
You can also use the AR Aging Report and/or the Outstanding Invoice Report found in Zot!Portal under Decision Support to search for payments. The reports can be filtered in various ways including by org or by customer.
For more information about sending non-student payments via wire please refer to: General Accounting Bank Wire and ACH Transfers or email us at nonstudentar@uci.edu.
We do not post wire instructions to any of our UCI websites for security reasons but are happy to provide them to you.
You cannot edit a Submitted or Approved Customer Invoice eDoc. However, if the customer invoice has been approved, other billers within the org are able to Error Correct Unpaid Open Customer Invoices. Also, other billers in the same org are able to create Credit Memos from the customer invoice, even if someone else created it.
Recurring Invoices are invoices that occur repetitively and get system generated using the same UCInetID as the original creator. Recurring invoice settings can be changed from the Recurrence Invoice lookup.
The FS KFS AR Customer History lookup shows all history from all departments for the customer.
The AR Aging Report and the Outstanding Invoice Report found in Zot!Portal under Decision Support can be generated and filtered by biller org, initiator, customer, etc. and are a recommended option for you to use in order to limit the view.
The customer invoice process and general ledger entries are generated when the customer invoice is approved, and that is required in order to create the receivable. If you do not want to generate the invoice’s PDF, you do not have to click the Print button or send the PDF out.
Zot!Portal’s Finances/KFS tab will have a new Financial Services AR portlet as of March 1st, 2023. This portlet will include the quick links to create customer invoices and customer credit memos, plus lookups for customers and custom doc searches specific to FS KFS AR.
Yes it will work for SW Accounts. You may enter the SW accounting lines in the Invoice Item tab of the invoice (INV) document. Also, SW billing chart code is a prompt in the AR Aging Report and the Outstanding Invoice Report found in Zot!Portal under Decision Support.
The system will not charge interest.
The amount on a recurring invoice should not be changed since the criteria for recurring invoice is the same amount and same customer each invoice recurrence.
For invoices with varying amounts, instead of using a recurring invoice, you may manually copy the prior month invoice and change the amount before submitting the document.
Financial Services no longer charges invoice fees. There will be no fees for the FS KFS AR invoices.
The Zoom recordings from both the 02-14-23 & 02-16-23 training sessions have been uploaded to: Financial Services KFS AR Resources.
You can adjust the invoice to match the payment by creating a credit memo to close out the invoice. If the payment is short, the balance will stay on the invoice until it’s paid.
CBSO will prevent you from uploading non-student invoices beginning March 1, 2023. If a non-student is included in your export/upload file, your department will receive a reject file showing the account/item(s) that were rejected and did not load.
Credit card payment is not currently supported. However, it will be supported in the future.
No, the system will not automatically generate a follow-up invoice. However, Financial Services will be sending out billing statements for overdue invoices.
Financial Services contact customers with past due invoices monthly and we document any communication with the customers. For any balance over 180 days, we notify the responsible department that the invoices are scheduled for write off within 30 days from notification unless payment is received. If no payment is received and the balance is written off, the original account used on the invoice for revenue will be reversed. If we receive the payment after it was written off, then we will apply the payment back to the original account used when the invoice was initially created.
The FS KFS AR Accounting Lines template is now posted. To download a copy, go to: Import Line Templates and click Download template for: Financial Services Accounts Receivable (AR).
Additionally, in FS KFS AR, on the Accounting Lines section of the invoice, there is a Import Templates link that will take you directly to the General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines website.
For additional help with importing accounting lines see: Importing Accounting Lines into your FS KFS AR Non-Student Invoice and General Accounting Importing Accounting Lines.
Yes. The departmental accounts will be credited as soon as the invoice is approved. The entries will be posted to the ledger overnight just as any other KFS document.
It is the department's responsibility to correct any error in the customer's invoice. Invoices that remain unpaid after 180 days will be written off against the department's account. We will contact the billing department 30 days prior to the write off, so they can work with the customer to collect the payment.
Yes, you can request the role at anytime.
You can check the status of your invoice by doing a Customer Invoice look up in FS KFS AR.
You can alao contact nonstudentar@uci.edu for further assistance.
Any department can create a new customer in FS KFS AR. If the customer already exists in the Financial Services Customer database, a duplicate customer account will not be approved by the Financial Services Reviewer. DCE has a different invoicing system and they will not use FS KFS AR.
Once a FS KFS AR customer is created, they can be used by any department and multiple users may share the same customer.
If the address is different from the primary address, you may add an Alternate or Temporary address to the customer, and you can switch between address types when you create the customer invoice.
FS KFS AR has restricted level code(s) that cannot be used in invoice creation. You must use income object codes when creating your invoice.
Restricted level codes include: BK9H, BDG0, BDG1, BDG2, BDG3, BDG4, BDG5, BDG6, BDG7, BDG8, BDG9, BD17, BD27, CASH, DFLT, FNBA, BUBL, ICTF, NAST, NLIB, TRFN, ASMT, RECH, RCIN.
Use the Object Code lookup icon and enter a valid value in the Level Code field on the Object Code search and return a valid value.
The first thing to check is to make sure that you are set up with either KFS User Role 54 or KFS C&G User Role 10035.
If you are assigned to one of those user roles, please contact us at: nonstudentar@uci.edu and we will work with you to verify your access including confirming your user role and billing org set-up.
If you are not assigned to one of those user roles, please have your DSA submit a KSAMS access request for you. If your DSA needs help with this, KSAMS has a cheat sheet for KFS roles on the KSAMS home page: KFS Campus Role Qualifier Cheatsheet or have your DSA email kfs@uci.edu for more information.
Please have your DSA submit a KSAMS access request for you for either KFS User Role 54 or KFS C&G Role 10035 (depending on what's appropriate for you). If your DSA needs help with this, KSAMS has a cheat sheet for KFS roles on the KSAMS home page: KFS Campus Role Qualifier Cheatsheet or have your DSA email kfs@uci.edu for more information.
This is not possible. Both accounting lines will appear on the invoice to the customer.
If the same KFS account is being used on the two lines, you can collapse the two entries into just one line item and bill the customer with one line instead of two.
If, as in the example, there are two different KFS accounts being used, both will appear on the invoice to the customer. If an explanation about the line items is needed, you can use the Note Section of the invoice to explain the different line items. Or you can include an explanation to the customer detailing the specifics of the invoice in an additional document that is sent with the invoice (email or memo attachment to the invoice).