Marketplace KSAMS Roles
Appropriate Marketplace roles must be requested for each member within a department that requires access to the uStore or uPay site. Getting Setup with Marketplace has more information about this topic.
uStore Roles & Duties
- Responsible for managing store settings, such as the store images, store categories, store payment methods, and shipping rates.
- Responsible for adding and editing products.
- Responsible for creating store promotions.
- Can view uStore reports.
- Responsible for adding and editing products.
- Responsible for moving products among categories.
- Responsible for fulfilling orders.
- Responsible for fulfilling orders as well as refunding and cancelling orders.
- Responsible for viewing uStore reports.
uPay Roles & Duties
- Responsible for managing uPay site settings.
- Responsible for assigning uPay payment clerks and accountants.
- Can view uPay reports.
- Can view uPay Payment Search report.
- Can view uPay Payment Search report.
- Responsible for issuing uPay refunds.
- Responsible for viewing uPay reports.
- Responsible for viewing and updating the Posting Status report.
If you need assistance, please contact our Credit Card Processing experts at merchantservices@uci.edu.