Getting Setup with TouchNet Marketplace

TouchNet Marketplace offers departments two separate modules to accept online credit card payments:

  • uStore allows a department to create a customizable store-front that allow customers to shop online, register for events, make donations, etc. This mode is user friendly and doesn't require IT assistance.

  • uPay allows departments, with IT assistance, to integrate their department website with a secure payment acceptance page. This mode may be subject to annual PCI reporting.

Follow the procedures below to start using TouchNet Marketplace

  1. Two people from a department will require access to one of the following roles in order to create an Ecommerce profile. Access can be established through KSAMS for each of the defined user roles:
    • Ecommerce-Department Profile Creator
      Creates Ecommerce profile(s) for authorized organization(s). Define the program name, description and chart of account information associated with the event.
    • Ecommerce-Department Head
      Approve Ecommerce profiles for authorized organization(s).
  1. The Department Profile Creator must login to TouchNet Ecommerce and click on the create profile tab.
  2. The following information must be completed:
    • Department Name
    • Program Name – This will be the name of your uPay site or uStore. Name can’t be changed once profile is approved.
    • Program Description – Provide a brief description of what you will be collecting credit card payments for. Also indicate if you will be using uPay or uStore mode.
    • KFS Expense Account – This account will be charged a 2% fee per transaction. This is a bank related fee that covers credit card payment processing. No additional fees apply.
    • KFS Income Account(s) – All sales will be deposited into this account. You may assign multiple accounts and allocate the percentage of income to each account. Your total percentage must equal 100% (1.0000).
  1. Once a profile is submitted it will go through a dual approval process: Department Head and Central approval.
  2. Once it’s approved by both parties the Payment Card Services group will create a skeleton of the store or site in the Marketplace.
  1. Appropriate Marketplace roles must be requested for each member within a department that requires access to the uStore or uPay site.
  2. If you are a first time Marketplace user, you will receive a link to the TouchNet Marketplace along with your username and temporary password with your initial request.

See the Marketplace KSAMS role descriptions for more information.