Undistributed Check Payment
The Central Cashier receives customer checks that sometimes are left unclaimed. The Central Cashier will attempt to locate or identify the department the check belongs to. After three unsuccessful attempts to contact the Payer and multiple departments, the Central Cashier will deposit the check to the Undistributed Check account UC18885-L407.
To support UCI departments in finding their missing funds, Financial Services has created the Undistributed Check Payment Report in Decision Support. This report provides the following information about all unclaimed / undistributed checks.
- Payer:
- Check Number:
- Check Date:
- Fiscal Year:
- Fiscal Period:
- Ledger Post Date:
- Amount:

If you recognize or believe a customer check should be transferred to your department, please fill out a claim form and attach it to your request. Submit the claim form to the Central Cashier at cashiers@uci.edu to inquire about your missing check with a SUBJECT line of: Undistributed Check Claim.
Departments can make multiple claims on one request form. Please also attach any documents, e.g., invoice or purchase order, that may help with the request.
If you have any other questions or need further support on how to claim an undistributed customer check, please contact cashiers@uci.edu.
Once the Central Cashier has determined that the claim is valid, Financial Services Accounting staff will process a General Error Correction Restricted (GECR) to transfer the funds to the department provided Account-Object Code. The GECR will be routed to the Assistant Director for approval and requester will be copied (FYI).